中国税务年轻人 2023年 第1期 青春那些事儿



自2016 年起,国家税务总局对“走出去”重点国家(地区)和国际组织派驻税务官员,主要承担开展国际税收协作、涉税争端解决、涉税信息收集等任务。通常,一次外派,税务官员会在同一个国家工作1-2 年。初到异国他乡,他们如何快速融入当地生活?身处国际税收舞台,如何更好地展现中国税务人的责任担当?夜深人静时,思乡之情该如何排解?本栏目选取了国家税务总局派驻六大洲的税务官员,他们以亲身经历,将初入驻外战线的心路历程娓娓道来,让我们一同走进税务青年真实的驻外生活。 Since 2016, the State Taxation Administration (STA) of China has been sending tax officials to relevant countries and international organizations. With a stint of 1-2 years, they spare no effort to promote international tax cooperation, settle tax-related disputes and share tax-related information. How would they quickly adapt to the local life after arriving in a foreign country? How would they better take on the responsibility of Chinese tax offi cials in the international tax arena? And how would they cope with homesickness in the deep night? In this column, we have some representative tax offi cials to share with us their stories of working in foreign countries, and let’s take a look at these young tax staff’s lives abroad.

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时光荏苒,如白驹过隙。今年42 岁的我,已不知不觉在国际货币基金组织(IMF)工作1 年多了。作为税务总局外派IMF 的首位税务干部,更是IMF 财政事务部收入征管处60 余名员工中唯一的中国面孔,经历了最初的彷徨忐忑、无所适从,到逐渐自信从容、游刃有余,闯过“语言、业务、饮食、思乡”四大关,如今的我,逐步在IMF 立稳了脚跟。

巧过语言关。IMF 的官方语言是英语,对听说读写都有很高的要求。对我来说,尤其头疼的就是听力。IMF 员工来自世界各国,操着不同口音,听起来特别费劲。我以前在新加坡工作过一年,新加坡人说英语的口音也很重,但听多了总能适应。然而,与操着五花八门口音的“老外”交流,需要更多的毅力。为了不落下重点内容,我经常先用手机把会议内容录下来,回头再反复听,慢慢理解,听力能力也在不知不觉中有了提高。
