税务研究 2006年 第2期 论坛


丛明 朱乃肖 单位:国务院研究室宏观司,暨南大学经济学院 上一篇 下一篇

内容提要:this paper argues that the economy will maintain healthy development in the 11th five-year-plan period, and fiscal policies will play an even more important role in the macro control systems. furthermore, the prudent fiscal policy should be implemented and tax reform be accelerated in order to promote the economic development in the next five years.

this paper argues that the economy will maintain healthy development in the 11th five-year-plan period, and fiscal policies will play an even more important role in the macro control systems. furthermore, the prudent fiscal policy should be implemented and tax reform be accelerated in order to promote the economic development in the next five years.
