涉外税务 2007年 第2期 税收实务


作者: 钱官荣 金晓红(苏州市地方税务局 江苏 苏州 215000) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:城市房地产税 土地使用权 计税依据

abstract:tax basis of urban real estate tax is original value of the real estate recorded in accounting books of enterprises,and the right of land use is an important part in the value of real estate. in practice the determination of tax basis of the right of land use in urban real estate tax is a difficult issue for different using terms of land and housing and there exists such land as roads and forestation which is independent of the real estate. this article discusses this issue on the basis of current tax laws, accounting systems and the legislative spirit of urban real estate tax.
