涉外税务 2007年 第4期 国际税收


作者: 赵东辉(大连市地方税务局保税区分局 辽宁 大连 116600) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:国际避税 反避税 情报交流

abstract:international tax-avoidance refers to the phenomenon of exploiting ?differences, defects, exceptions and demerits of provisions to elude or abate tax liabilities by multinational taxpayers between two or more countries. with the rapid development of global economic integration and international logistics, it has become an intractable issue tax administration of every country need to confront with and therefore has drawn more and more attention. as far as our country is concerned, the tax administration should have a deep understanding of characters, features, and ways of international tax-avoidance, draw on the experiences from other countries to perfect tax legislations and enhance the abilities of international anti- tax-avoidance.
