涉外税务 2007年 第4期 税收实务


作者: 石增琳 赵可明 高建华(山东省税务学校 山东 潍坊 261041) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:外商投资企业分支机构 分支机构业务的兼营性 适用企业所得税税率的差异性

abstract:the non-legal-person entity of branches of foreign-invested enterprises determines the compatibility of its ?business. however, current ?income ?tax ?policies applicable to these branches deny such compatibility of business. in the cases of compatible business and the branches with ?different ?income ?tax ?rate, it ?may ?result ?in incompatibility under legal premises. therefore, income tax polices for branches of foreign-invested enterprises should be adjusted properly.
