涉外税务 2007年 第5期 税收实务


作者: 谭伟(厦门大学财政系 福建 厦门 361005) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:外企所得税 税收征管 计量经济学

abstract:nowadays there exists an issue of high rate of accounting losses in foreign—invested enterprises in china. using modern econometrics and related data of qingdao city, this paper analyzes the issue above mentioned, and discovers the main reason of the issue is that small and medium—sized enterprises, especially small businesses have higher rate of losses. therefore, in order to strengthen tax administration of small and medium—sized foreign enterprises, the paper puts forward several proposals including the application of data—mining techniques, the enhancement of internal and external coordination, the improvement of approaches in tax collection and administration and appropriate treatment of the relationship between auditing collection and assessing collection.
