涉外税务 2007年 第6期 “走出去”企业税收


作者: 魏志梅(国家税务总局税收科学研究所 北京 100038) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:对外投资合作 ?出口退税 ?境外所得 ?税收政策

abstract:with the deepening of reform and opening-up, more and more chinese enterprises invest outward. however, there still exist many issues in this field, such as tax collection and administration of their external income and export tax refund. these issues can not be solved by the tax system characterized by “attracting foreign investments”.using international tax theory and practice for reference, combining tax policies of our country currently in effect, this article brings forward a whole set of policy suggestions, such as perfecting and adjusting tax policies so as to create a more friendly environment for chinese enterprises to invest outward.
