涉外税务 2007年 第7期 税收实务


作者: 池澄 饶戈军(安永华明会计师事务所 上海 200031) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:成本分摊协议 转让定价 税收管理

abstract:recently multinational corporations are increasingly using cost contribution arrangements (ccas) to structure and plan their international commercial arrangements for intangible developments and shared/centralized service provisions. sharing costs under ccas will no doubt directly affect tax bases of participating parties. this has prompted tax authorities in different countries to be concerned about the commercial substance and arm's length nature of ccas concluded amongst related parties. more and more tax authorities have introduced transfer pricing rules and associated documentation requirements and have published specific guidelines on ccas. this article analyzes the international trend and local status quo of ccas, and has also put forward several suggestions on tax administration of ccas in china.
