涉外税务 2007年 第8期 特别策划


作者: 林绥(德勤华永会计师事务所有限公司上海分所 上海 200002) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:企业所得税法 劳动密集型企业 税收优惠

abstract:this paper argues that the new countryside construction will trigger a large-scale shift of redundant labors from countryside to urban areas. under such circumstance, while china is taking the opportunity of world-wide industry transfer to stimulate china creation, the development of china manufacturing should be kept as well in order to adopt the redundant labors in countryside and make full use of china's comparative advantage in labor resources. therefore, in the process of the formulation of tax preferential policies in the 'new enterprise income tax law', chinese government should consider providing some incentives to labor-intensive enterprises. the paper also puts forward some policy suggestions based on current situations of our country.
