涉外税务 2007年 第9期 研究与探索


作者: 李林木(南京财经大学财政与税务学院 江苏 南京 210046) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:前景理论 预期效用理论 纳税遵从 税收征管

abstract:the expected utility theory which assumesthat decision-makers are rational and of self-interest iscapable of explaining general taxpayer compliance decisions.however,this theory is unable to explain those behaviorsnot completely rational or selfish.the introduction ofprospect theory since the 1980s compensates for thesedisadvantages:principles underlying the reflection effect,the certainty effect and the isolation effect can well explainthe deviations of taxpayers'actual decisions from therational ones,which provide important rationales and policyimplications for tax administration.
