涉外税务 2007年 第9期 各国税收纵横


作者: 朱彩婕(山东财政学院 山东 济南 250004) 朱庆民(山东省国家税务局 山东 济南 250002) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:欧盟 统一市场 间接税 协调

abstract:the coordination of indirect tax,whose focal point lay on value-added tax and excise tax,is an important issue in the development of eu uniform market.in practice,the coordination of indirect tax has achieved a lot,yet quarrels among member countries for sake of their own interests and their resistant actions have in some degree blocked the progress of coordination.in prospect,the coordination will still face a lot of difficulties and the outcome of coordination will rely on how much compromise and concession could be made by member countries.
