涉外税务 2008年 第1期 特别策划


作者: 缪慧频(国家税务总局所得税管理司 北京 100038) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:企业所得税  税制

abstract:the two sets of enterprise income tax (eit)systems applying to foreign enterprises and domestic enterprises separately will be unified into one from january 1st, 2008. compared with the old eit system, the new one has changed a lot in such aspects as taxpayer, tax obligation, tax rate, income, deduction, tax treatment of assets, calculation of taxable income, tax credit of overseas income, tax preference and anti-tax-avoidance, which makes the system itself more scientific, normative and internationalized. the new eit system will be of far-reaching significance in accelerating the process of socialist marketization, promoting the implementation of 'reform and opening' strategy and advancing the establishment of a socialist harmonious society in our country.
