涉外税务 2008年 第2期 特别策划


作者: 舒桂凤 朱慧严 黎军华(广州市国家税务局 广东 广州 510623) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:企业所得税法 反避税

abstract:tax-avoidance and anti-tax-avoidance game between tax authorities and taxpayers is a long-term warfare, which goes more furious with the amalgamation of china's economy into the global and the increase of cross-border investments and associated transactions. based on a comprehensive interpretation about rules of tax-avoidance in the enterprise income tax law of prc, this paper analyzes the trends of anti-tax-avoidance administration in the future and raises some approaches and measures to handle the new situations from the viewpoint of tax authorities and enterprises respectively.
