涉外税务 2008年 第9期 研究与探索


作者: 朱青 王小荣(中国人民大学财政金融学院 北京 100872) 孙茂竹(中国人民大学商学院 北京100872) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:避税 反避税 企业所得税

abstract:as an important task of enterprise income tax administration, anti-tax-avoidance involves safeguarding national tax rights and interests as well as creating a tax environment for fair competition. based on international practice, this paper argues that measures of anti-tax-avoidance mainly include perfecting related tax regulations, enacting certain specific provisions and general rules for anti-tax-avoidance. currently major tasks of anti-tax-avoidance in china should be a continuous improvement of tax laws and reinforcement of the workforce. in addition, focus of future practice of anti-tax-avoidance should be a curb on international tax avoidance.
