涉外税务 2008年 第9期 税务与会计


作者: 刘清和 刘艳 陈飞 曹娜(内江市国家税务局 四川 内江 641000) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:所得税会计准则  暂时性差异  资产负债表债务法

abstract:there have been no specific accounting standards for income tax before the promulgation of ‘accounting standard for business enterprises no.18: income tax’. previously, enterprises’ practice had been primarily based on relevant provisions in the ‘interim provisions on accounting treatments for enterprise income tax’ and ‘accounting standards for enterprises: accounting treatments for income tax (consultative draft) ’, and especially the ‘enterprise accounting system’ after 2001. ?based on a comparison of legislative considerations and relevant provisions in the new and the former accounting standards for income tax, this paper illustrates the accounting treatments for income tax under the debt approach to balance sheet.
