涉外税务 2008年 第12期 研究与探索


作者: 岳树民(中国人民大学财政金融政策研究中心 北京 100872) 林力昊(温州市国家税务局 浙江 温州 325000) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:宏观调控 出口退税 人民币升值

abstract:in the current situations export rebate policy can be regarded as a significant means of macro control and regulation in adjusting foreign trade and alleviating the appreciation pressure of renminbi. this paper confirms the role of export rebate policy in macro control and regulation,proves the positive correlations betweenexport rebate and foreign trade development by positive analysis,analyzes and tentatively estimates further adjustment of export rebate rate and its effects on appreciation of renminbi.
