涉外税务 2008年 第12期 加拿大公司所得税制度与征管经验借鉴关小虎 白洁(北京市地方税务局 北京 100044)


作者: 关小虎 白洁(北京市地方税务局 北京 100044) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:公司所得税 税收征管 税收优惠

abstract:canada has a complete corporate income tax system and a relatively sound system of tax collection and administration,which has facilitated a sustained and stable growth of its national economy.this paper offers a detailed exposition on corporate income tax system and administration in canada,and proposes that some successful experiences should be drawn on in the process of continuous optimization of enterprise income tax system in china,such as giving more attention to the balance between efficiency and fairness and enhancing tax collection and administration.
