国际税收 2013年 第3期 各国税收纵横


作者: 谢波峰 单位:中国人民大学中国财政金融政策研究中心 北京 100872 上一篇 下一篇

内容提要:the general tax principle of e-commerce introduced by oecd fiscal committee is fundamentally approved by australia,which deems the current concepts of international taxation are applicable to e-commerce and it is not necessary to amend income tax law to specially deal with e-commerce issues.the tax policy and administration concerning e-commerce in australia,is more focusing on improving the overall regulatory framework and management control capacity of e-commerce.


the general tax principle of e-commerce introduced by oecd fiscal committee is fundamentally approved by australia,which deems the current concepts of international taxation are applicable to e-commerce and it is not necessary to amend income tax law to specially deal with e-commerce issues.the tax policy and administration concerning e-commerce in australia,is more focusing on improving the overall regulatory framework and management control capacity of e-commerce.
