涉外税务 2007年 第6期 特别策划


作者: 刘军(深圳市国家税务局 广东 深圳 518000) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:企业所得税  两法合并  深圳

abstract:this paper first reviews contributions that preferential tax policies have made for the development and modernization of shenzhen city in the last twenty years. secondly, it points out that the unification of two sets of enterprise income tax laws is the milestone which indicates the end of preferential tax policies which have been practicing in shenzhen city for more than twenty years. in the near future, this change might have some negative impacts; but in the long term, it will help to facilitate the optimization of industry structure, improve the quality of utilizing foreign investments and establish a fair capital market. finally, the paper provides some suggestions on the roadmap of stepping into the new era of “self-created dominance” for shenzhen city.
