上一篇 下一篇内容提要:tax competition, like other forms of competition, improves the function of our economies and provides an incentive for governments to provide a tax environment that is conducive to growth.this paper explores what is meant by a competitive tax system, how to measure the competitiveness of a tax system, and how governments in the oecd area and emerging economies have tried to achieve a more competitive tax environment, and then sets out some proposals for international actions that may be required to achieve the full beneits of tax competition.
tax competition, like other forms of competition, improves the function of our economies and provides an incentive for governments to provide a tax environment that is conducive to growth.this paper explores what is meant by a competitive tax system, how to measure the competitiveness of a tax system, and how governments in the oecd area and emerging economies have tried to achieve a more competitive tax environment, and then sets out some proposals for international actions that may be required to achieve the full beneits of tax competition.