涉外税务 2008年 第11期 税收法治


作者: 冯绍伍(中南财经政法大学财税学院 湖北 武汉 430070) 上一篇 下一篇



关键词:税收法治 公共财政 纳税人权利 纳税服务

abstract:according to experiences of developed countries, there are three ways to cultivate beliefs of the common people in law-based tax administration: making use of traditional legal custom; publicizing principles in tax compliance; enhancing taxpayers' first-hand experiences in law-based tax administration. as far as our country is concerned, the third way is practically most significant. corresponding suggestions proposed by this paper are two-folds: public finance should be established, taxpayers' rights should be protected, tax service should be improved and the deterrence of tax laws should be enhanced.
